Thursday 10 November 2011

My Business Start-Up update

Assallamualaikum ...

Alhamdulillah (All Praise To Allah, The All Mighty, The All Knowing) ...

After a few a days have gone by since the last time I spoke to my daughter concerning the business that we are setting up. She had agreed to study the price trend of the kind of project that we would go for when we go into the business but she had not done anything about it yet.

I felt a bit disappointed but hid it well. I must not show any signs of urgency because I do not want this to be a one sided affair. The last thing I want is for my daughter agreeing to start this business solely because of me. She must want it as badly as me, then I feel it can work. Hence, I let it slide for a few days and when it got really unbearable, I came up to her and apologize for imposing my idea of opening a business.

She surprised me by saying that she had completed the first round of studying the price trend and had already printed it out for future comparison... So I guess... GAME ON !!! 

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