Wednesday 2 November 2011

Meeting with my daughter (part 1 of 4)


I was at home when my daughter messaged me that she wanted to discuss something when she reached home last night. I was quite apprehensive about the thing she was going to bring up but I will not be a pessimist this time around and keep an open mind about this.

As usual she would reach home very late from work especially now that her company is involved in getting responses for their flat upgrading works; last night was no exception either. She finally reached home just after the program "Road to Hajj" ended at the Bio channel.

After she had freshened up, we sat at the living hall and started the discussion.

My daughter went straight to the point and told me that the firm that was head-hunting her contacted again to get her over to their company. She flat out told me that she do not want to consider the offer at all. I held back my judgement and listened to what she had to say. In the end she said that her gut feeling made her come to that decision and she reminded me that I often told her to trust her instincts if ever this kind of situation arises...

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