Tuesday 1 November 2011

Just receive a great news !!!


Yes... out of the blues... Sister Nooraini from Masjid Haji Mohd Salleh sent me an SMS reminder to sell my Red Bean Pau at the Masjid this Sunday for the Korban participants. She advised me not to sell the pau in its fully cooked state but to sell it in its frozen state... The following are the things I should do.

1. Get a Styrofoam box big enough to put in at least 20 packets of pau.

2. Get a piece of dry ice to keep the box cold enough to last at least for 9 hours ( 8 am to 5 pm)

3. Should I buy the electric steamer for this event ? I am not going to sell any of the cooked pau. They will just be samples for people to taste or perhaps I will use it to provide as snacks for the people who come and perform the korban.... Need your input here if possible :)

Alhamdulillah... I am very thankful to Allah for all the blessings that HE has bestowed upon me... I am not worthy of YOUR blessings but I am nothing without YOUR blessings.... Syukran Jazilan

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