Saturday 5 November 2011



I am so excited that finally I am able to put an advertisement on my blog... You may be asking why can't this happen earlier with Adsense ?

That was the first widget that I tried but Adsense turned me down flatly because IMHO the kind of blog I am writing (which is actually what blogs are supposed to be anyway) will resulted in very high payouts from them and it is not economical to allow that to happen... There you go, finally I got that out of my chest ... :)

So I found  adBrite thru this link.

After that I got this link to fix it into my blog. You will be able to do this in the older version of blogger. That was what I did when I was not able to figure it out using the latest dashboard. Perhaps one reason they updated the dashboard is because they want to stop this activity...

Well, all of the above are my conspiracy theories which explains what might had happened to me...

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