Friday 20 January 2012

Information About JuRia Habbatus Saudah


Information About JuRia Habbatus Saudah

Active Ingredient:-
Nigella Sativa

1. It helps keep blood pressure in check.

2. It helps hinder the development of pancreatic cancer.
Do not take this if you are on any kind of cancer prescription because it will be counter-productive if taken together.

3. It helps ease symptoms of asthma.
It is proven to be an excellent prophylactic agent for both bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis and has proved to be more effective in children than adults.

4. It has antioxidant benefits.
Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are thought to contribute to the development of cancer and other illnesses. Antioxidants may interfere with cancer therapies like radiation and chemotherapy, so talk with your treatment team before using this herb.

5. Increase the amount of antibodies to fight against multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria.

6. Kills tapeworms in the stomach.

7. Regulating the blood sugar in diabetic patients.
It can lower the blood sugar in diabetic patients, hence diabetics have to be wary of the dosage. Start with less and progressively increase taking note of the effect it has on you. If the blood sugar is lowered too much, this will cause nausea to a diabetic patient.

Recommended dosage: Take 2 capsules in the morning before breakfast to maintain your healthy lifestyle. For children, reduce it to 1 capsule a day before breakfast. Please do not take more than recommended here.

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