Monday 31 October 2011

Why did I want to do this ?


I will try account everything that leads me to my current situation steering away from any unpleasantness directing to anyone in particular but everything here is my own humble opinion of myself interacting with the conditions around me....

I have always wanted to set up my own business but never had the chance of doing it. It started from the time I finished serving my National Service back in 1986. Back then the culture of setting up your own business was viewed upon by my community as a failure, hence you are doomed even before you started.

I had an opportunity to do a swimming pool cleaning business with a friend of mine who had bought over the company from his boss. However, I did not get permission from my parents to join him. I will not not indulge in the things that happen after that only to say that I was married off to my wonderful wife at the age of 22.

Getting married very early in my life actually is a blessing in disguise because now at the age of 47, I can relight my passion of running my own business. I have found this website very useful out of all the websites that I have googled so far.

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