Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Selling My Way...


First and foremost this article is for the Facebook Page that I have just created.

Lately I have the opportunity to distribute two health product i.e. The Detox Foot Patch and The Collagen Pills.

I am only selling health products that I am using personally and have reaped in its benefits. So in other words before I want to sell it, I must believe in it.
Needless to say both the products are doing what they are suppose to do and I am totally convinced of its effectiveness. 

 Basically the way I do business is simple and direct.

1. If it is going to be selling a product. Then I will get THE CHEAPEST, THE BEST, THE MOST TASTY AND GRATIFYING thing and redistribute among my affiliates. No Multi-Level. YOU SELL...YOU GAIN.
If you think my price is cheap enough for you to redistribute it and leverage on others, than do it so that you can sell more and everyone will be happier with the amount of reward you will get at the end of the sales. NO KICKBACK REWARD STRUCTURE....

2. If I am going to go into the service line, then I will provide A COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE THAT IS SECOND TO NONE !!! Almost everything will be taken care of FROM THE FIRST HELLO TO THE LAST GOODBYE !!!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Collagen Capsules


First of all I would like to thank my Broadrician brother Sahiran for remembering me and telling my other brothers in business about what I am doing currently. It is very important indeed to spread the news of what each other in our network of friends are doing so that we can truly help one another if any of us have the resources to do so.

The Collagen Pills that I am currently taking.
This has brought me to the Collagen Pills. I was puzzled when it was introduced to me because as far as I know Collagen Pills are very popular among ladies as it may increase the amount of serum collagen in the blood stream which can make its way to the outer layers of the skin. This have several wonderful effects on skin rejuvenation that reduces wrinkles, making one look more youthful. Collagen may also speed up the recovery of superficial cuts by stimulating the generation of new skin cells that close up breaks in the outermost layers of the skin.

Of course the above benefits do not interest me as much but this friend of mine that introduced me to the Collagen Pills also raised my awareness of the other more important health benefits that I am looking out for.

1. Reduces the effect of Arthritis.
Well, this is what I am looking out for mainly. I am starting to feel pain in my joints due to a lifelong involvement in giving instructions for my Martial Art (Silat) Classes. I have decided if I am going to distribute and sell this Collagen Pills, it must at least be able to alleviate the pain off my joints significantly enough for me to continue to enjoy Martial Arts kind of exercises.
Hence I have been taking my time before doing this promotion on this blog. The fact that I am writing about it now is proof enough that the Collagen Pills really work ! Today, 15th Dec 2011, is my 7th day that I am taking the pills. I have started to feel less pain on my joints and it is now able to carry my weight without me experiencing excruciating pain whenever I want to stand up from any sitting positions.

Another wonderful thing is like all other users of this Collagen capsules, I too have received compliments on how youthful and clear whiter complexion I appear to my friends and acquaintances, which can really make my day.

I also noticed that my mouth ulcers do not go into full-bloom, it will remain at its initial stage and eventually disappears, by passing the stage where it got really swollen and pain. I guess this is prove enough how the collagen is able to stimulate the generation of new skin cells that close up breaks in the outermost layers of the skin, and this case the skin in my mouth area.

Among other health benefits are

2. Aids in weight loss. (which I will write about if it does help me to shed a few kilos down the road)

3. Helps maintain a healthy Cardiac Muscles in order for one to have a Strong and Healthy Heart.

The only thing that one has to take note of is, if one has a known allergy to shell-fish. Since the Collagen Pills I am distributing here is made of fish collagen, then one need to be aware of any allergic reactions symptoms like hives, swelling of the throat and face, increased heart rate, nausea, and upset stomach. If you experience any of these, seek medical attention immediately. Of course the Collagen Pills are not for you anymore.

But to end it on a positive note, the Collagen Pills compliments the Foot Patch that I am selling because as the toxins are being removed away, collagens are being replaced in the vital organs for one to enjoy a more healthier and fruitfully high quality life. 

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Complete video instructions of how to use multiple foot patches

1. This is the first step that you have to take to ensure that you have pasted the correct side of the foot patch on to the sticker.

2. This video clip shows you how to stick the patch on to the ball of the feet area. This would remove toxic waste above your chest area. Particular when you have stiff neck and wanting to have better skin complexion. The stiff neck did subside a little at time for me but I do not have skin problem so I may need some one to give a testimony concerning this.

3. I have tried to put on 2 foot patches on each foot these pass few days, like the one shown in this video clip and it worked like a charm. When you paste it on the heels, detox action will be from the hips and below. It could probably give some relief to all the strained muscles by removing the lactic acid that contributes to the pain.

4. This was what I saw when I peeled the patches the very next morning... It is all black and sticky.
That's good because it showed that I got lots of toxins removed from my body. When there are not much toxin, the patch will have White spots in the center. The dark and sometimes sticky matter will appear at the edge of the foot patch.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Benefits of the Foot Patch Detoxing Pad

I have been getting some inquiries concerning the benefits of the foot patch. I hope the article above can satisfy it, pardon for the English used  because the article is copied from the original source.

Orders have started to come in and all my customers are amazed by how fast and effective the foot patch works. They feel great right after using it and I am continuing to use it daily as well. All of the above also worked for me too...

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Instruction on how to use the foot patch

Assallamualaikum ....

Alhamdulillah (All Praise to Allah) , the stocks for the foot patch are in. Here, I have included the video clip on how to use the foot patch.

The things you need to be aware of when putting the foot patch are as follows:-

1. Ensure you stick the correct side of the patch to the sticker. The side with the writings "Please put adhesive Sheet on this side" is the one that should be pasted on to the sticker, hence the blank side is the one touching the sole of your foot.

2. Ensure the orientation of the sticker pasted according to the one shown on the video. Paste it along the foot arch or the center of the foot.

The best time to use the patch is before you to sleep. Different individual will have different effects but on the whole you will feel a whole sense of well-being as the day progresses.

Black Patch is the Used Foot Patch.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Allah granted my Hajats.

Assallamualaikum ...

Yes, Allah has answered all the "Hajats"(Wants) that I have seek upon HIM and the following is the list of things that I have been granted by Allah. It will also serve as a reminder to me, so that I will always remember the gift from Allah and not take it for granted.

My children have always asked me to do "Sholat Hajat" together whenever they have something that they really want. However, it is very true that the wish will not be granted right away because this is where Allah test the faith of HIS believer, the Mukmins. There will always be interim happenings even failure before Allah grants your wish. If you do not take notice of it, you would simply missed it and forgot that it is Allah that have granted you what you wanted simply because you have asked HIM.

For example, there was this instance when my eldest daughter wanted so much to hit a particular tender and the both of us perform the "Sholat Hajat". The tender was worth $10 million. In the end, the rival company got it. We were not fast to blame Allah that HE did not listen to our prayers but we just accept the reality of not getting the tender. However, just after a few months, my eldest daughter hit 2 tenders consecutively which are worth $15 million in total and I was quick to remind her that Allah truly has granted our wish and not only that rewarded us more than what we have asked for because of the "Sholat Hajat" and the faith towards HIS promise that HE would give anything that we asked for provided we have an unwavering faith towards Allah The All Mighty, All Knowing.

My second daughter got her wish to have a good career. She is now pursuing a diploma to become a Teacher. My son wanted to do well in his exams and pursue a good career for his future. We performed the "Sholat Hajat"  and here is another twist again. My son did not pass well in the major exam but now he is very happy and got very high marks in the course he is pursuing in Civil Engineering. He feels absolutely great about the path he is taking. I reminded him that it was because we did the "Sholat Hajat" and Allah has again granted my son's wish of being able to pursue a rewarding career.

From these experience, I lay witness that There is No other God Except Allah and Muhammad s.a.w. is the messenger of Allah.

Ask and you will get. Sholat Hajat.

Assallamualaikum ...

Today's Khutbah Jumaat (Islam's Friday Sermon) did strike a chord with what I am doing now. It has reaffirmed my belief towards the teaching of Islam as the only way of life for all mankind.

In comparison to the movie "The Immortals" where the Gods have never answered the people's prayer which led to the uprising of the villain to free "The Titans". On the contrary, in Islam, our ONE AND ONLY GOD, ALLAH always answers our prayers. I can even proof it through the instances in my life that becomes the testimony of Allah's Grace towards me and my family.

In Islam, we are taught several prayers to perform for specific need. Previously I have touched on " Sholat Isytikharah" and now I want to touch on "Sholat Hajat".

"Hajat" means "What I want". It is a gift from Allah to mankind for everyone to ask HIM for everything that you want out of life. I have seen the different ways the Wealth Guru showed me on the power of the mind to seek what it wants, you can check out YouTube, type in "Think and Grow Rich" and check it out yourself there.

In fact that is exactly how it is done through the power of the mind and in Islam we focus the "Wants" as though it is already granted by Allah when we put our forehead in sujud like the one you see in the picture. Of course there are several Surahs (verses from the Holy Quran) being recited in that particular position to enhance the prayer.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Have to keep the momentum going.

Assallamualaikum ...

I would always take the opportune time to check on my daughter's thought about the business start up. I am well aware that this is absolutely necessary because at the stage she is right now, the idea can simply slipped away and procrastination will sip in.

Just look at me, the main reason I start this blog is to facilitate the idea of starting my business but somehow I have digressed into researching and revisiting Internet Marketing.

Back to the main thing again... Yesterday the opportune time came again and I started to ask my daughter about at which stage was she in at the moment. She was apologetic that she had not given it much thought since the last time we spoke. This was no surprise to me at all and I was prepared for it to happen.

I went in straight into the next step that she should embark upon. Now, she should look into the kind of people she would employ in order for the company to hit the very first tender that our company is going to work on. The kind of sub-contractors she would like to work with. Even though we may not be able to get them but just the thought of getting them excites us.

What got her excited was the fact that we will be in a position to hire our friends that we have worked with before. The kind of people that we have bonded not just through good times but most importantly during hard times. We have identified one person and he would be our first employee... Inshaa Allah (If Allah wills it)

And by the way, I am able to supply the medicinal foot patch as well if you are living in Singapore.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

My Opinion on Internet Marketing Part 2

Assallamualaikum ...

It is very important to determine where the source of income of the business is derived. The sort of product that generates it.

Some people do not put any considerations or perhaps less likely to pay any attention to the kind of products that are appearing in their blogs. What they care is the potential income they will get from putting in the campaign in their space.

The last few days that I have been away from writing on this blog had been spent to analyse the Internet Marketing Venture a little bit closer. I do admit that I was pulled into getting the software that can help newbies into this venture. However, my experience stopped me from buying any of it while I continue to hop from one website to another until I stumble upon this forum. After which I decided to continue blogging about my personal discovery over the things that many have claimed to be their vehicle to Financial Freedom.

Video clips about Clickbank and Affiliates from YouTube helped tremendously in my quest of discovering whether is it true one can get income from the internet.

Up to this point, all that I can say about getting online income is harder if you want to do it ethically. Even the ethics that I am prescribing may not be the ethics that the next person shares. I am stating the obvious here, the source of online income is to get visitors to buy stuff from the website that you are maintaining. Just like what I am doing now, continuing to write something of interest so that I am able to capture anyone that cares to read my thoughts.

My opinion on Internet Marketing products is that they are manipulative because one will end up paying more than the listed price. The initial price is normally cheap enough for anyone to pay but they will entice the customer to buy more stuff in order to so called get the results faster. There are even products that make the customer pay monthly. This is the type of product I will not promote to earn my way in the internet world. It goes against my code of ethics in doing business.

You will never be able to find in any of the adverts in my blog that promotes Internet Marketing Systems because at my current state, I find that it is very manipulative and hence I do not subscribe to it. I'd rather promote healthy lifestyle products for that matter.

I am continuing my search after the fact that I have determine where the source of income comes from for me. Next, I am searching the way to generate the traffic towards this blog and I have found a few links that can advice me on how to do it.

My Opinion on Internet Marketing Part 1

Assallamualaikum ...

For the pass few days I have been revisiting the world of Internet Marketing. I got to admit, the players in this field have really increased tremendously probably due to the rate of unemployment in many countries.

I am very lucky because I am still holding down a job that can sustain my family life at a very decent level. I have to constantly remind myself of this because it is very easy to take my day job for granted and get distracted by all the internet marketing gimmicks that is spreading all around us.

I stumbled upon this forum and it has really confirmed my assumption on what really is internet marketing. I can safely say almost all the money from Internet Marketing comes from getting people to become Internet Marketeers. Of course, this is my personal opinion of the matter and in way reminding myself not to be caught by video promos that can easily make you part with your money.

Yes, they usually start with an amount that you can afford right away but that is not the only thing that you need to get yourself started, there are other add-ons and at last you would spend around $300 to $500 more. This is the amount they want from you right from the beginning. They have even evolved into a system where you subscribe to their program where you have to pay monthly fees. Well, this will be like providing them with passive income. When they finally achieve this, they will brag about it in their future products that things they have achieved through Internet Marketing which is actually a very manipulated truth.

I should have known better before I even revisit this area. I was sucked into this before but luckily I got free tickets to their workshops because the Internet Marketeers were so desperately looking for someone who can actually put some work behind their program at least the initial stages and they identify me as that person.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Detoxification Patch.

Assallamualaikum ...

As you can see there are two patches on the left. The one on top is a used patch and the one below is of course the unused patch. The used patch shown here was the one I took out from my foot that morning.

The effects that I personally experienced when I use them on the sole of each of my foot are as follows;

1. I felt fresh when I woke up that morning. It has been quite a long time that I feel this way. Probably due to the lack of taking any supplements this past few weeks.

2. Bowel movement both passing motion and urinating was really effortless but were heavy nonetheless. I got a feeling of thorough detoxification after that.

3. The satisfaction of looking at the dark matter on the used patch confirming the detox action on my body.

My daughter and wife used the patches and they experienced the same effect as well.

But beware of the Fake Foot Patches.

The benefits of the the foot patch from the source article.

Another Article about the Detox Foot Patch.

Click Here to see how to put the patch on.

You can paste it at other areas of the foot as well, click Here to view it

Now as I wrote this, the black matter has subsided but the effects of feeling fresh when I woke up in the morning is still very apparent. There was this one time when I have finished my stock, I felt lousy again in the morning but the minute I put the patches on, the feeling came back the very next morning.

Yes. I am totally convinced this foot patches really work and I am fortunate to be able to supply to you at a very reasonable price that can afford you with a healthier and higher quality of life.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Reply from Rich Contractor


I have been waiting for the answer from Scott (the webmaster of ) and he finally replied ... :)

The following is the Q & A that I got from him which I appreciate very much and now I am sharing it with all my beloved readers...

Zul says:
Hey Scott,
Appreciate very much that you have created this site and still answering questions up to the present moment.
I have a daughter who’ve worked in a main contractor firm for 4 years as a quantity surveyor and purchaser. Recently a friend of mine who I have consulted about starting up my own business, told me that I am sitting on a gold mine that I have yet to tap on. He was referring to my daughter of course and he is even willing to put up half of the capital as an investor if I can come up with a business plan that will employ my daughter’s expertise.
My daughter is actually quite good in her field landing some high profile contracts for her company. Her work rate is very high (clocking more than 14hrs per day). The way I see it, she could easily survive doing it for her own, like setting up her own business with me. However, eventhough I do not know anything about building construction but I am good with account softwares and internet marketing.
Need your advice on the type of business we should engage ourselves in.
Thank you for your kind attention.
  • Scott says:
    It’s difficult for me to tell you exactly what to do with the limited information you’ve provided. Is your daughter prepared to leave her job and start a new business? There is always risk involved with such a change that should be carefully weighed, particularly in an economy where finding a new job is very difficult for many people. Perhaps she could keep the job and the two of you could start this venture on the side and see where it goes.
    If you have an investor who is willing to put up half the capital that is good in the sense that it spreads the risk around a bit, but I would make sure everything is in writing, and run it by a lawyer before any papers are signed. Many a friendship has been soured by business arrangements that went bad, so just make sure everything is understood up front so there are no disagreements later about who is entitled to what.
    If you have no construction experience then you will need to focus your service on your daughter’s skill set and expertise. If she already knows how to land big contracts then just let her continue to do it, and manage the accounting and marketing so she can focus on what she excels at. Using her advice, build a team around her that will complement her and enable you to flesh out a full blown business.
    So that’s my take on the limited information at hand. At the end of the day, I can’t tell you what to do. You know the situation better than I do, and you’ll need to make a calculated decision that takes into account the inherent risks of starting a business. Some will make it, and some won’t. I truly hope that it works for you if you decide to give it a shot. Thanks for the comment and best of luck.
    • Zul says:
      Hey Scott,
      Appreciate very much your advice on the steps to take if we are going into this business.
      I will pay particular attention to the legal issues of the matter like putting up the paper and running by a lawyer about the agreement with my investor.
      I have given it a thought about joining my daughter full-time when I can keep my job and help her on the sideline. I totally agree about building a team around her so that we can hit the first most crucial job and being paid at the shortest time possible.
      I’d rather spend on that compared to paying my salary if I were to join her full-time. I can still draw my salary from my current job and whatever paid-up capital to be spent on building the team to ensure this business gets off the ground.
      The strategy that we have discussed is, my daughter should zero in the kind of projects (government tenders mostly) that she is very familiar with and have a good relationship with the sub-contractors that can carry it out completely. In other words, a project that she can totally owned and then keep a record of the price that made the hit. The price that gives the tender to the contractor so that she would have a gauge of the pricing when it comes to working out the tender quotation.
      It is like being familiar with the project profile that we are going to undertake when we set up our business. Of course one of it is the shortest amount of time the project can be completed and get payment from it.
      For taking the time to read this and giving your kind attention, I am forever grateful… May you find satisfaction in whatever you do…

Thursday, 10 November 2011

My Business Start-Up update

Assallamualaikum ...

Alhamdulillah (All Praise To Allah, The All Mighty, The All Knowing) ...

After a few a days have gone by since the last time I spoke to my daughter concerning the business that we are setting up. She had agreed to study the price trend of the kind of project that we would go for when we go into the business but she had not done anything about it yet.

I felt a bit disappointed but hid it well. I must not show any signs of urgency because I do not want this to be a one sided affair. The last thing I want is for my daughter agreeing to start this business solely because of me. She must want it as badly as me, then I feel it can work. Hence, I let it slide for a few days and when it got really unbearable, I came up to her and apologize for imposing my idea of opening a business.

She surprised me by saying that she had completed the first round of studying the price trend and had already printed it out for future comparison... So I guess... GAME ON !!! 


Assallamualaikum ...

There are actually a lot that can be derived here from your search engine.

Before there were any seminars or workshops that charged people who wanted to learn how to do things over the internet, I had discovered lots of softwares that were being given away free of charge.

It is still that way and more of it now then ever. However, after I lost a bit of interest due to something which I am not really sure of, suddenly there are people who are willing to part with their money to learn how to get hold of the freebies.

I was also sucked into it thinking that by paying someone, I will be assured of getting the results that I wanted. I revisited MLM again when I came to know that one of my former classmate is doing it. However, soon after I lost money and not to mention the time wasted in all the venture, I came to a rude realization that the internet has improved by leaps and bounds which I am discovering day in and day out. All I need to do is to go to the search engine and writing out my query.

Perhaps one reason why the internet has churned out a lot of freebies is because the amount of self-discovery blogs; just like the one I am writing now; has surfaced with the most important objective mainly to put the thoughts of what had happened to the blogger which they are trying to make sense of it all. As a result people like me will go back to where we started i.e. continue to source out the free softwares that we need to use but the difference now, I have a bit of a mission to enlighten other people about what's happening now in the ever manipulating world.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Assallamualaikum ...

I thought it would not be such a hassle to put in an advertisement on my blog to see whether is it true bloggers do get paid through it. For all of you wondering about the funny things happening on my blog, let me tell you this. Yes, I am experimenting with several of the online advertisement provider that is recommended from this link. 

Got to the website when I failed to monetize my blog using Adsense that is provided by that is hosting this blog. I was elated when I thought I finally managed to figure it out. But AdBrite turned down my application as well.

When I went back to the list of other alternative ad provider, Clicksor caught my attention and I went in to register myself. Their approval is almost instantaneous so I straightaway put their code in. That evening I can see the ad appearing on my blog but this morning it disappeared.

I went back to the list but before that I checked my email and saw that my Chitika application was approved. Go through all the necessary steps and now you can see the Chitika advertisement board on my blog. I tried to click one of it and yes.. there are provider from Singapore listed on it as well.

I will continue to experiment on ways to monetize this blog and I will update if or when I got my first payment from this venture.... Inshaa Allah. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

How the Rich spends and become Richer.

Assallamualaikum ...

The significant lesson that I learnt just after losing the business of selling the Theme Park tickets is "How the Rich spend their income." when I read the book that I bought earlier during this good times which I failed to read when the going was really good for me...

The month when I got the income from the above, I was spending the money without even thinking that this is definitely going to be very TEMPORARY. Luckily I used it mainly to buy 2 laptops and its carrying bag which altogether sets me back almost $2K. This is a grave mistake which I have taken responsibility upon and I pledge not to do it again ever in my life.

Yes, the Rich will NOT live below their means. Living below your means will NEVER make you RICH... I am not even going to tell you why but this is what I learn from the book "Increasing Your Financial IQ"... If you want to know why, by all means go and read it.

I am going to share how the Rich spend their income and live life to the fullest up to a point where they enjoy financial freedom to support such a lifestyle.

Let's say you want to buy like me a good laptop. I cannot just wait for my payday, go out and buy it using my salary. What Rich people will do is simply use the money from their income as a capital for a small business transaction.

They just defer the date of the purchase until they can raise enough money from the income to accumulate through some business transaction and then use the profit to buy the things that they want. Therefore their income remains intact and they got what they wanted without depleting it. Yes... it is that simple and if I had known that I could have use the $2K that I use to buy my laptops and do some business transaction perhaps sell pineapple tarts (which I sold 500 bottles), my income from the previous business would remain intact.

I must remember this or at least I am assured that this is what I am going to do with this year's annual bonus... Inshaa Allah...



There is a saying in Malay... "Manusia Merancang, Allah Menentukan..." which means "Humans Plan, Allah Confirms it" ... This sayings even sounded better to me when it is in English. The reason for this is the saying is always used negatively in the Malay community. For example when someone failed, you will most likely hear this being said to pacify the person that has suffered from it. It make me feel sick whenever this statement is used in this way, the funny thing is when someone has succeeded, this statement cannot be heard at all... It is used as though telling the person that you are doomed to fail even though you have put in a plan. 

Isn't it true, People Plan to Succeed but usually Failed to Plan ? Let me try to correct the statement above... In my humble opinon, the Islamic way to embark on a venture is

1. Niat... Determine the objective of the venture which must end with doing it for Allah's favor.

2. Plan... Strategic Planning to see the best possible way to start the venture even getting prepared for a foreseeable potholes along the way and avoid them. 

3. Doa and Sholat Isytikharah (Pray) to get Allah's guidance to make our plan work, to show the right path to take and to remove any obstacles along the way.

4. Action... Carry out everything that we planned to do, improving it along the way and take note of all the strengths and weaknesses of our plan so that it can be streamlined for future projects.

5. Tawakkal... When everything has been executed to plan then we leave to Allah to decide whether to give the Rezki that we will obtain from the people (clients) that required our services plus referral or recommendations for future projects.

My daughter and I have come to a conclusion that we will definitely open our company eventually. That matter is settled. Now we have to think of ways in order for us to hit a project the fastest, most effective and the kind that we can get our payment at the shortest time possible. 

We are planning to take in as many projects as possible to train our crew so that they can gain as much experience as possible even if this means the business at this moment is just like giving my daughter a job to go to because in order to do so we have to give the lowest possible quotation to secure the project. At least now she calls all the shots as far as the operation is concerned. e.g. working hours and conditions...

Monday, 7 November 2011



After the three nights that my daughter and I performed Sholat Ishtiharah (a pray that ask Allah for direction), I asked her how she felt. She told me that she was not able to sleep as soundly as before and it got even worse after the time where my wife joined us in the Sholat. I am now convinced that going over to the company that wanted to "head-hunt" her is not going to happen.

However, at the same time, my daughter told me that she is having good positive vibes whenever she thinks about the company that we are planning to open eventually. I warned her not to give me high hopes concerning this but she convinced me otherwise.... Alhamdulillah... Syukran Jazeelan

Saturday, 5 November 2011



Like I said before, NO MLM for me...

Recently a friend of mine called me while I was driving to work in the morning and said that he wants me to check out a gold investment scheme. It is not buying gold but investing in a gold mine company based in Panama. Can score big time he says..

I asked him to SMS me the website and I will check it out for him.

I received the SMS and google it. Yes if I just click on the links on the first page of google, everything seems to be legit but as I open the rest of google, the company's history start to come up until I landed on a page that can even connect me to a Singapore government page to show that the company is on the Alert List.

I called that friend of mine to reveal it to him and even emailed him the link to proof that it is a scam. He sounded disappointed and even wanted to defend it saying that this was being introduced by his manager that got so many to sign up already. Knowing my friend, I hoped he has not signed up yet...

The same day another acquaintance which I know doing MLM, sms me and tried to arrange for a meeting to discuss about exactly the same venture but now the company is mining at some other place... I flatly said I am not interested after I checked out the website that he gave me.



I am so excited that finally I am able to put an advertisement on my blog... You may be asking why can't this happen earlier with Adsense ?

That was the first widget that I tried but Adsense turned me down flatly because IMHO the kind of blog I am writing (which is actually what blogs are supposed to be anyway) will resulted in very high payouts from them and it is not economical to allow that to happen... There you go, finally I got that out of my chest ... :)

So I found  adBrite thru this link.

After that I got this link to fix it into my blog. You will be able to do this in the older version of blogger. That was what I did when I was not able to figure it out using the latest dashboard. Perhaps one reason they updated the dashboard is because they want to stop this activity...

Well, all of the above are my conspiracy theories which explains what might had happened to me...