There is a saying in Malay... "Manusia Merancang, Allah Menentukan..." which means "Humans Plan, Allah Confirms it" ... This sayings even sounded better to me when it is in English. The reason for this is the saying is always used negatively in the Malay community. For example when someone failed, you will most likely hear this being said to pacify the person that has suffered from it. It make me feel sick whenever this statement is used in this way, the funny thing is when someone has succeeded, this statement cannot be heard at all... It is used as though telling the person that you are doomed to fail even though you have put in a plan.
Isn't it true, People Plan to Succeed but usually Failed to Plan ? Let me try to correct the statement above... In my humble opinon, the Islamic way to embark on a venture is
1. Niat... Determine the objective of the venture which must end with doing it for Allah's favor.
2. Plan... Strategic Planning to see the best possible way to start the venture even getting prepared for a foreseeable potholes along the way and avoid them.
3. Doa and Sholat Isytikharah (Pray) to get Allah's guidance to make our plan work, to show the right path to take and to remove any obstacles along the way.
4. Action... Carry out everything that we planned to do, improving it along the way and take note of all the strengths and weaknesses of our plan so that it can be streamlined for future projects.
5. Tawakkal... When everything has been executed to plan then we leave to Allah to decide whether to give the Rezki that we will obtain from the people (clients) that required our services plus referral or recommendations for future projects.
My daughter and I have come to a conclusion that we will definitely open our company eventually. That matter is settled. Now we have to think of ways in order for us to hit a project the fastest, most effective and the kind that we can get our payment at the shortest time possible.
We are planning to take in as many projects as possible to train our crew so that they can gain as much experience as possible even if this means the business at this moment is just like giving my daughter a job to go to because in order to do so we have to give the lowest possible quotation to secure the project. At least now she calls all the shots as far as the operation is concerned. e.g. working hours and conditions...
Life is to live practically and survive with no doubt. Regardless whatever statement that written here is not profitable nor preaching what anybody must do but practically must adapt. Life is a choice to make. Life is a chance given. Life is a change to progress. Every emotionally and physically with all the osmotic content that goes in us; what matter most bloom as who we are. A rose can never be sunflower. Therefore the 3 C's of life: Choice, Chance and Change. You must make the CHOICE to take the CHANCE if you want anything to CHANGE. But everything own has already written in our fate. Not all goal aim to be a success; at least you have something to aim at in life.
ReplyDeleteThank you my brother.
ReplyDeleteI like the statement..
Life is a CHOICE to make
Life is a CHANCE given
Life is a CHANGE in progress...