Thursday, 3 November 2011

Meeting with my daughter (part 4 of 4)


Blogging really helps me in several ways

1. It has a calming effect because now I know that my thoughts will be recorded and I will not be stressed out looking for what I want to do when the time comes for whatever I am planning to do materializes. It also give me an assurance that I am planning to succeed because I do not want to be caught in a situation that I have failed to plan...

2. It puts my mind at ease giving me a chance to step back and see the viability of the idea because it is like doing a mind mapping exercise. This had already saved me time when I cancelled my appointment with my property agent friend after assessing my idea thoroughly about collaborating with him  and finding out that it was just too impulsive to act upon. I was spot on because that friend of mine is not looking for any form of  collaboration either.

Let me put this down, I really appreciate if anyone would tell me that they are not interested or cannot give me what I want flatly on my face and as quickly as possible because this saves me time and open the opportunity to others who can deliver the things that I want. Hence I appreciate that he had told me that he is not looking for any collaboration but he just wants to concentrate on his real estate business which I respect and I will definitely come back to him when I want to manage my real estate in the future.. :)

3. By starting this blog with my Islamic greetings ... Assallamualaikum (Peace and health be upon you) reminds me to be careful not to indulge myself from writing inflammatory remarks especially about others and thinking positively so that it will also benefit others if ever this humble blog of mine is being read by others... Inshaa Allah (if Allah wills it)

So my daughter and I continued to discuss the best approach to set up our company. More or less doing an informal business plan. So far we have agreed that

1. I will not be drawing any salary from the company instead the salary should be given to a person that can help my daughter directly in the business such as an Assistant Quantity Surveyor that can do the daily grinds of the work which she can oversee, give guidance and control the timeline. Then this will free her so that she can run the vital operations of the company i.e. getting tender documents, researching, calling for quotations etc... which actually what she likes to do. (Perhaps we can also find someone to get the tender documents as well and I have just the person that I want to employ for this position :)

2. Our first year target is just to be able to get the company off the ground. If this can sustain my daughter's well being just like having a job, realistically speaking we have lifted off...

So this got my mind racing forward about what is the immediate thing for my daughter to do so as we are not just building sand castles in the sky. Hence, I told her to start doing her homework i.e. research on the kind of projects that she can handle. She should know exactly what she is capable of doing from the first nail to the last bolt of the project.

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