Thursday, 16 February 2012

My Food Supplement Intake Routine.


As I am getting older, I find myself with less energy especially in the morning. I am so used to sleeping late and I cannot just change my sleeping pattern. This has left me feeling tired every morning. But all this stops recently and I started to feel fresh every morning with a more satisfying sexual intimacy with my other half when I started to take a range of health supplements. It has really impacted my daily life so much so that I decided to make it into my own line of health supplements which I named it after my beloved wife and the brand is JuRia.

The objective to make it into my own line of health supplements is to reduce the price to a level where you do not have to "cut off your limbs" or only the privilege circle can enjoy the good wholesome high quality lives. If you have obtained the level of alertness and health that can enable you to be more productive daily, you can even take the capsules on alternate days so that you can stretch your supply even longer and save on buying other health supplements.

Hence, it is not necessarily that you have to finish one bottle in a month even though each bottle contains 60 capsules for a 2 capsule per intake dosage. If you were to get 1 bottle of Energy Booster and 1 bottle of Habbatus Saudah, if you can alternate the intake (e.g. 1 day you take Habbatus Saudah and the next day you take Energy Booster) so that both can last you for 2 months, (of course this is when you are at the healthy level and would just like to keep it that way). This is because by using herbal treatment, it is the length of time you are under its influence will determine how well your absorption is and how much your cell will remain strong or developing new ones.

My Health Supplement Intake Regime.

1. Wake up in the morning:  2 capsules of Habbatus Saudah.

2. Right before I leave my office: 2 capsules of Energy Booster.

3. Preparation to Sholat Marghrib : Prepare 1 sachet of Teh Barito. I will drink it after Sholat.

4. Before bedtime :  a. Drink another sachet of Teh Barito.
                              b. 2 capsules of Collagen.
                              c. Paste 1 Foot Patch on each sole of my feet. (use 2 foot patches)

This has really uplifted my whole being and I will be going for a medical check up to further prove my state of well-being ... Inshaa Allah.. :)

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Uci 7 Teh Barito Berkualiti Tinggi

Pokok Mas Chotek adalah sejenis pokok yang hidup menumpang di atas pokok yang lain ( epifit). Daunnya dipetik untuk dijadikan minuman herba yang telah digunakan secara tradisional turun temurun sebagai minuman kesihatan untuk seisi keluarga.

Uci 7 Premium Quality Barito Tea dirumus secara moden dan menggunakan 100% bahan daripada pokok Mas Chotek sahaja tanpa pengawet atau bahan-bahan lain yang dapat menurunkan kualitinya. Didalam setiap kotak Uci 7 Premium Quality Barito Tea ada 40 uncang, setiap uncang seberat 0.5 gram rumusan Mas Chotek, cukup untuk membuat 180 ml minuman Teh Mas Chotek ini. Jadi anda boleh membuat 40 cawan minuman Teh ini bagi setiap kotak Uci 7 Premium Quality Barito Tea.
Daun Mas Chotek ini dipercayai dapat membantu menyegarkan dan memulihara kesihatan tubuh badan. Ianya adalah  bahagian yang amat penting dalam perubatan menggunakan kaedah pemakanan herba.

Daun Mas Chotek ini menjadi herba yang sangat popular dikalangan kaum wanita. Selain membantu atur kitaran haid, ia juga dapat mengatasi masalah keputihan.

Mas Chotek juga digunakan sebagai rebusan selepas bersalin.  Ia dipercayai dapat mengecutkan dan mengembalikan rahim kepada kedudukan asalnya.

Dari segi kecantikan, Mas Chotek dipercayai dapat mencantikkan kulit dan mengekalkan awet muda.
Daun “Jantan” dan “Betina” dicampur dalam nisbah tertentu dan dijadikan ramuan dalam penyediaan  tonik  untuk lelaki dan wanita. Ia juga diambil sebagai afrodisiak untuk lelaki dan wanita.

Amalan meminum  daripada ekstrak mas chotek ini dikatakan mampu menurunkan cholesterol dalam badan dan mengelakkan pengamalnya terkena serangan angin ahmar.

Antara khasiat Mas Chotek yang lain ialah ia dapat merawat penyakit paru-paru berair, diabetes, lemah jantung, tekanan darah tinggi, gout , cirit-birit dan masalah kulit.  

Mas Chotek juga dikatakan berkesan dalam memperbaiki kerosakan urat saraf, melancarkan peredaran darah dan menurunkan paras toksin dalam badan.

Secara tradisinya, ia digunakan untuk merawat penyakit seperti:
• Menghapuskan toksin dalam badan
• Memperbaiki peredaran darah
• sakit-sakit sendi / saraf
• Mengurangkan kandungan gula dalam darah
• Mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi
• Keluarkan kolesterol dan lemak
• Melegakan akibat sakit buasir
• Migrain
• Tenaga pemulihan untuk batin
• Dysmenorrheal
• Mengecutkan saluran penyampaian bayi / Merapatkan faraj
• Melambatkan proses menopous

Uci 7 Premium Quality Barito Tea


Mas Chotek is a type of plant that grows on top of other plants (epiphytes).  Its Leaves are harvested to make herbal tea drinks for the whole family.

Uci 7 Premium Quality Barito Tea is formulated using modern processes and 100% extract from Mas Chotek Plant, without adding any other elements into it to compromise its quality.
In each box of Uci 7 Premium Quality Barito Tea contains 40 sachets of 0.5g of the Mas Chotek formula that is used to make 200ml of the herbal drink. Hence, a box of  Uci 7 Premium Quality Barito Tea, you can make 40 herbal drinks, enough to be enjoyed by the whole family. 

Mas Chotek leaves are believed to help refresh and preserve the health of the body. It is a very important ingredient if one were to use herbal medicine to relief and alleviate illnesses.

This Mas Chotek is an herb that is very popular among women. In addition of being able to settle the menstrual cycle, it can also overcome the problem of virginal yeast infections.

Mas Chotek also used as a decoction after childbirth. It is believed to be able to shrink and return the uterus to its initial position.

In terms of beauty, Mas Chotek is believed to be able to beautify the skin and maintain its youthfulness.

The "Male" and "Female" leaves are mixed in a certain ratio and used as ingredients in the preparation of a tonic for men and women. It is also taken as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.

Drinking Mas Chotek extract will lower cholesterol level and prevent stroke.

Among other benefits of Mas Chotek are it can treat pneumonia, diabetes, heart failure, high blood pressure, gout, diarrhea and skin problems.

Mas Chotek is also known to be effective in aiding to repair nerve damage, improves blood circulation and lower the levels of toxins in the body.

Traditionally used to treat ailments such as:
• Eliminate toxin inside the body
• Improve blood circulation 
• Nerve/joint illness 
• Reduce in blood sugar content 
• Reduce high-blood-pressure 
• Remove cholesterol and fat 
• Relieve consequence of piles pain 
• Migraine 
• Energy restorative for inner self 
• Dysmenorrheal 
• Shrink baby delivery channel/Tighten vagina 
• Delay the menopause process